Good Faith in the Lawsuit: Between Ruse and Mischief (April 10, 2023)

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In the Lawyer’s Commandments, Eduardo J. Couture, the great Dean of the Faculty of Law, said: “Be Loyal: Loyal to your client, whom you should not abandon until you understand that he is unworthy of you. Loyal to the adversary, even when he is disloyal to you. Loyal to the Judge who ignores the facts and must trust what you say; and that, as for the right, from time to time he must trust the one you invoke.

The transcript highlights one of the most subtle issues of professional practice: the limits between good faith and mischief. For the purposes of litigation, a lawyer is usually hired so that, protected by his skill, talent and cunning, he can make the interests of his client prevail.  Read more

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