New national Climate Change Policy in Nicaragua

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By Presidential Decree No. 04-2022, published in La Gaceta, Official Gazette No. 35 of the twenty-second of February of the year two thousand and twenty-two, the National Climate Change Policy (the “Policy”) was approved.

Among others, the Policy reinforces policies and lines of action to promote comprehensively and effectively the management of climate change at the national level, in the sectors of health, integrated water management, conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and marine-coastal ecosystems. Within the Institutional Framework, the Secretariat of Climate Change of the Presidency of the Republic (SCCP) was created, which exercises the coordination of the National Climate Change Management System.

The following are established as principles of the Policy: (i) climate justice with reparation, (ii) human development, good living and common good, (iii) reparation of loss and damage, (iv) gender equity, (v) intergenerational approach, (vi) joint and several responsibility, (vii) dialogue of knowledge, (viii) free and informed prior consent, (ix) climate finance, and (x) climate culture.

Likewise, five pillars of climate action were defined, each with its specific policies, which we proceed to list:

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