PRK PARTNERS – the exclusive Czech and Slovak contributor to DOING BUSINESS IN… GLOBAL GUIDE 2021/2022 published by THOMSON REUTERS PRACTICAL LAW

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PRK Partners’ teams are the exclusive contributors for the Czech Republic and Slovakia to Doing Business in… Global Guide 2021/2022 published by Thomson Reuters PRACTICAL LAW, which contains unique comprehensive Q&A overviews of law and regulation in more than 60 countries, spanning more than 30 practice areas, written by leading lawyers, and includes a Country Q&A comparison tool.

The publication could be very helpful to any party, in particular foreign investors, undertakings or other persons considering entering the Czech and/or Slovak markets. It helps give them a sense of the local business and regulatory specifics. The countries covered include –  besides the Czech Republic and Slovakia – Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Canada, Brazil, Australia, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and others.

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