Quantum Innovation: Where We Are, Where We’re Headed, and the Role of IP in Protecting This Cutting-Edge Technology

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Whether or not your business is quantum-focused, quantum technology is rapidly emerging and forward-thinking companies will position themselves to take advantage of its benefits. Intellectual property has proven to be a primary driver of growth and profitability in many technical industries, and quantum will be no different.

Ready or not, quantum computing and the revolutionary change it promises are just around the corner. Thanks to significant bipartisan legislation in 2018 and more recently in 2022, funding is plentiful and quantum-related research and development is on the rise across government agencies, universities and the private sector in the United States.

As quantum rapidly moves toward commercial viability, product and service innovations in a number of industries are likely to explode. What is the best way to protect your business? What are the repercussions for intellectual property protection, and from current and evolving regulatory schemes? How will this affect business growth and future collaborations? Right now, there are more questions than answers, and the rules are being decided in real time.

Despite this atmosphere of uncertainty, the most innovative and forward-looking companies are already positioning themselves to take full advantage of quantum’s heralded benefits. Everyone else risks being left in the dust.

What Is Quantum?

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