Recent normative acts impacting the activity of employers

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Early 2023 is shedding light on how to implement the numerous changes to Romanian labour law that occurred during 2022. In addition, at the EU level, a new directive which is set to come into force provides for equal pay for women and men.

Collective bargaining in Romania at the sector level

On 29 March 2023, Romania’s Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity adopted Order no. 798/2023[1] regarding the procedure for the classification of business units to sectors in collective bargaining.

Law no. 367/2022 on social dialogue[2] provides that collective bargaining agreements may also be negotiated at the sector level, and therefore it was necessary to adopt a subsequent procedure to determine the allocation of business units to sectors.

Thus, after having adopted Government Decision no. 171/2023 on the setting of collective bargaining sectors and their related NACE codes[3], this new order aims to regulate the procedure for the classification of business units to a particular sector of activity.

The procedure is relatively simple and is based on a request submitted by employers to Romania’s Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity (by registration or by e-mail). Read more

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