Sexual Harassment in Employment Relationships

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Following the definition given by the International Labor Organization, sexual harassment can be defined as “… insistent propositions, touching, approaches or unwanted invitations of a sexual nature, which may come from a superior or a co-worker. work, which directly influence the possibilities of employment and the working conditions or environment and which also produce effects on the victims, both psychologically and emotionally. It is the most common form of gender discrimination at work .” [1]

It has also been pointed out as a way of behaving “… based on sex, of an unpleasant and offensive nature for the person who suffers it. For it to be sexual harassment, the confluence of both negative aspects is necessary: ​​unwanted and offensive ” [2] . In this context, two types of sexual harassment are distinguished:

  1. Exchange sexual harassment also called “Sexual Blackmail”, which occurs when possible better working conditions are offered in exchange for sexual favors and;
  2. Environmental sexual harassment that generates a hostile environment of intimidation, humiliation of the harassed worker.

His manifestations. Sexual Harassment can be externalized through very different types of verbal or physical conduct,

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