Urgent measures to mitigate the impact of the escalation of natural gas prices in the gas and electricity retail markets

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We analyze in this Legal Note the fundamental aspects of the main measures adopted by RDL 17/2021.

The BOE of September 15, 2021 publishes Royal Decree-Law 17/2021, of September 14, on urgent measures to mitigate the impact of the rise in natural gas prices in the retail gas and electricity markets.

The standard approved by the Council of Ministers, under the provisions of Article 86 of the Spanish Constitution, contains a package of measures that are classified into the following blocks: (i) Measures for the protection of consumers and tax matters energetic; (ii) Promotion of forward contracting through market mechanisms for the allocation of manageable and non-emitting inframarginal energy; (iii) Mechanism for reducing the excess remuneration of the electricity market caused by the high trading price of natural gas in international markets; (iv) Criteria for the rational use of water resources; (v) Limitation of the variation in the value of the cost of raw material in the rate of last resort for natural gas;

The complete content of the Legal Note is in the PDF .

Ana Cremades Leguina

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