Breaking down the Legal Industry’s Billing Paradigm

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The legal profession has long been characterized by billing hours, a practice deeply ingrained in the industry’s DNA and one of the most important KPIs to make Partner. However, as we navigate the digital age, the legal world is gradually shifting toward alternative fee structures, and we all know it. Clients have always ask more for less but now they know they can get it because productivity should be on the rise.

Despite this shift, billing hours remain a top priority for lawyers, reflecting our traditional approach to work and compensation. One of the hardest barriers law firm management faces with legaltech solutions is the usability of them. One innovative approach gaining momentum is the concept of “Innovation Hours” as a key performance indicator (KPI) for lawyers and law firms.

This concept first came to me thanks to Bernardo van der Laat, Managing Director PredictaBill. It quickly captured my attention. Instead of considering these hours a departure from the traditional billable model, we should view them as a complementary strategy that promotes a tech-savvy mindset.

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