Flexible Workspaces: Legal Challenges for Owners and Entrepreneurs

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Three years after the peak of Work from Home and the investments in technological capital made by companies, we are facing a new panorama with the gradual return to face-to-face work. This return has implied a change in the needs and expectations of workers. Now they are looking for office space with adjustability terms of use and occupation, which allows them to gradually explore changing work needs, such as, for example, shared offices called Coworking spaces or adaptable work areas known as Flex Space. 

The particularities of the use or lease contracts for these new types of space are worth considering. In addition to the usual contractual conditions of a lease, or service contract, the documentation must establish the duration and format of the contractual relationship, the hours and mode of access to the facilities, the densities of use, the possibilities of expansion in case of hiring more workers, costs, expenses, and insurance required. It is also essential to resolve the use of parking spaces (where applicable) and define the type of use and spaces within the workplace and the furniture and equipment included. 

On the part of the owners and users of these spaces… Read more

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