Monica Syrdal

(The following information was supplied by the firm)

Monica Syrdal works with a combination of EEA/competition law and intellectual property rights, including copyright, trademark, marketing law and GDPR.

Syrdal has in-depth knowledge of communication, technology, media and retail sectors and practical experience with many of the legal matters that are relevant to these sectors including intellectual property rights and competition law.

Within competition law, she specializes in issues relating to the prohibitions on anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominant positions. She has particular experience in handling alleged infringement cases before the Norwegian Competition Authority, the Competition Appeals Board (“Konkurranseklagenemnda”) and the EFTA Surveillance Authority. She has also practical competition litigation experience before the ordinary court in respect of private competition law enforcement.

Within the media sector, Syrdal has extensive experience with respect to copyright issues pertaining to audio-visual content, including films, sports and other content licensing and questions in the nexus of competition law and intellectual property rights. Syrdal has hereunder experience with copyright and other IPR litigation before the courts and various alternative dispute resolution bodies, including but not limited to the Appeals Board for Industrial Rights and the Remuneration Board (“Vederlagsnemnda”). She also advices on regulatory issues involving broadcasting and audiovisual on-demand services. She has for a number of years worked extensively with adoption of new legislation within the copyright and broadcasting field both on a national and EU/EEA -level.

Another part of her practice involves consumer marketing legislation, unfair marketing in relation to other businesses and privacy/GDPR.

In addition to English, Syrdal also speaks German.

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