Gregor Wild

(The following information was supplied by the firm)

PD Dr. iur., Attorney at Law

The professional activity of Gregor Wild focuses on copyright, trademark and design law and related contractual and procedural questions. His expertise primarily extents to Swiss and international Intellectual Property Law, in particular to the representation before the Federal IPI, Swiss Courts and the WIPO. Gregor Wild has global experience under more than 70 jurisdictions where he constantly collaborates with local experts. He has acquired special knowledge in relation with transnational registrations and IP-portfolios. Questions of publicity and registers are building the focus of his academic activities.

After his thesis in copyright law and his employment in the trademark division of the Swiss IPI Gregor Wild has joined RENTSCH PARTNER IN 2002. He is a member of the Special Commission of Intellectual Property Rights of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (sia) and lecturer for Private Law at the University of Lucerne. By 1 January 2012 he was elected by the Swiss Federal Council as a member of the Federal Arbitration Board for Exploitation of Author’s and Neighboring Rights (ESchK).


Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle
INGRES Institut für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz
INTA International Trademark Association
Marques The Identity of Brand Owners
SAV Swiss Bar Association
SolAV Solothurnischer Anwaltsverband
VSP Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark Attorneys
ZAV Zürich Bar Association

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