Industrial property code, how many doubts: why it is urgent to improve the text

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The bill revising the Industrial Property Code presents lights and shadows, including some critical fronts from a technical point of view that risk jeopardizing the achievement of the intended objectives

Cesare Galli Lawyer and holder of the chair of industrial law at the University of Parma
After the approval by the Council of Ministers on 6 April, the Government’s bill for the revision of the Industrial Property Code is now being examined by Parliament, which forms part of the “Reform of the property system industrial “ , indicated in the PNRR .

However, this text is still very far from “defining a multi-year strategy for industrial property, with the aim of giving value to innovation and encouraging investment in the future”, as is precisely envisaged by the PNRR, and will necessarily be followed by others interventions of greater weight . It also presents a series of technical criticalities , which can jeopardize its objectives at least in part and therefore need to be corrected when moving to the Commission.

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