CMA advises Statkraft on its global acquisition of the renewables business Enerfín from Elecnor Group

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Our team is advising Statkraft on its acquisition of 100% of the shares of Enerfín, a subsidiary of the Elecnor group.

We are representing Statkraft in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Canada, USA, Australia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya, through the DLA Piper offices in the respective jurisdictions.

The team is led by Fabiano Gallo (Corporate, Energy and Natural Resources, and M&A partner) and includes partners Luciana Martorano (Antitrust and Competition), Ricardo Caiado (Compliance and Investigation), and Oduvaldo Lara Júnior (Corporate and M&A), along with associates André Sampaio Lacerda Ferraz, Anna Piragibe, Breno Menezes Coelho Cintra, Maria Wagner, Mariana Rosa, Patricia Cicote Martinez, and Victor De Gruttola Ramires.

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