SRS Advogados Welcomes New Ukrainian Corporate & Finance Lawyer

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Ukranian Lawyer, Galina Bastieieva, recently joined SRS Advogados as a Foreign Lawyer in the Corporate & Finance Department to assist, inter alia, with advice to Ukranian companies and individual clients.

Galina Bastieieva has a Bachelor of Law from the Donetsk Institute of Management and a Master of Law from the Kyiv University of Law. She has over 15 years of professional experience as a lawyer, having worked as legal counsel at an NGO, in-house for a bank part of the UniCredit Group, as well as in several reputable law firms in Ukraine.

Her background is in corporate legal support and litigation, with experience working with foreign IT and alternative energy companies, banking institutions and public organisations. She freely negotiates in English with foreign clients, partners and confidently handles legal documents and information resources, as well as having extensive experience in preparing international contracts and other documents in English. She writes articles in English and Ukrainian for the “Legal Aid in IT Business” publication.

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