The new legal world; zombies and liquids

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 Will ChatGPT finally convince us of the need for technological adaptability in the legal world? 

A few days ago I read some forecasts, certainly not very encouraging, from the famous academic economist Nouriel Roubini. In his text, he talked about his fears related to the global economy of 2023 and what it holds for us; making special mention of a phenomenon he calls zombie industries or companies  .

What is this, you may ask?

Explained in a summarized way, they are those insolvent private companies that survive exclusively thanks to constant and permanent subsidies and capital injection, by private and public banks as well as central governments. Your numbers can pretend to give positive results; enough to cover their debts and obligations and while they may appear to be profitable, successful, you just have to look in greater detail to see what lies beneath the illusory shell.

The crown does not make the King.

As a lawyer specializing in mergers and acquisitions, the concept of  “cash is king”  is not always synonymous with health and financial fulfillment. In certain scenarios, this beneficial financial situation can hide or reflect some evils that have yet to be elucidated. Sitting on a mountain of money can be a grim sign that you may have the voracious, insatiable appetite, but the short-sighted…

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