The problem with Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)

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If a German tourist withdraws cash from an ATM in Prague, the ATM screen may display a choice whether the tourist’s euro account should be charged in the currency of their account (i.e., euro), or in the local currency – Czech koruna. If the tourist chooses the latter, they opt for the so-called Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) service.

DCC is a service enabling instant currency conversions for card-based transactions. DCC was introduced in 1996 to allow cardholders to pay in their home currency when making payments in foreign currencies. This can be either an ATM withdrawal or a card payment at a point-of-sale (POS) terminal in a foreign country. By using the DCC service, the amount of the transaction in the local currency is instantly converted into the currency in which the cardholder’s account is held.[1]

How DCC works

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